Spring Changes By Sophie Navarro

As the sun starts to come out more, my inspiration grows deeper. The winter provided a time to go inward, focus on self-care and stay connected to spirit. Spring brings out a renewed feeling, a feeling of change and transformation. I look forward to Spring with all the freshness that it brings. My inspiration comes from the simple moments, such as having a cup coffee with a dear friend or creating new art for close friends.

I also love paying close attention to sunrises, sunsets and home cooked meals. There is something to be said about these moments. Colors in new flowers, sounds of birds chirping in the morning and the sound of walking on dirt along the trails. It’s the simple things that bring about the most magnificent shifts in our lives.

Take the time to see the colors, sip that delicious warm drink and laugh more with your children!

Sophie Navarro

Your Value Comes From Within

EMU - Aperture Gallery
Sophie Navarro
University of Oregon
November 15th - December 15th, 2018

Artist Statement: This series represents the value that comes from within ourselves. Solitude teaches us to go inward, taking in the quiet moments that are often taken from us from the outside world and teaches us to pause. These paintings represent my desire to hold onto my identity and celebrate by going inward. I create my own inclusivity by accepting myself with all my patterns, ideas, inspiration and colors. My value comes from within not outside of myself. I remind myself this every day and to not allow others to define who I am. I am beautiful inside and out, colorful patterns unravel and I am whole.
