What I love about tapping into my imagination is it is limitless. It just appears and then once I get all my art supplies in order, I get so excited to play with new colors, mediums and create new patterns. For me, I love to listen to new music. That often puts me into an inspiring space, where no distractions come up. When I am painting and or drawing for hours truly makes my heart soar. No matter what is going outside of me or what may be happening in the news, I just let myself come back to the joy in creating new art. I take imagination as a huge gift and a huge blessing each day. It matters to me when I take that time to carve out of my day to create something new. It allows for more space to play with new ideas, designs and splashes of color.
I believe that everyone has the capacity to tap into their imagination. It just takes a little practice and at times a moment of stillness or creating space. Enjoy your time today by creating something new even if it’s a small drawing!