What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about colors, patterns, flowers and textures. I get my inspiration from looking at art books, fashion and love using words into my artwork. I have been creating since I was a child and grew up with a mom who is from Paris, France. My dad is from Morocco. My mom painted on ceramic tiles and I grew up watching my mom create her beautiful paintings. Most of my passion comes from growing up in a multicultural family, having had the opportunity to visit France at an early age and learning French. It was a very unique upbringing. I was always supported to continue to create, learned how to play piano and had an appreciation for ballet. I value all the support that my family created for me at such a young age. It gave me a deep passion to create something new every single day. I have learned that expressing myself is valuable, important and all a part of creating deeper connections with my art process. The connection is also an important way to connect with other people.
Often, my voice or the way I communicate is misunderstood, so I typically feel more understood through my art, comics and paintings. My style changes over time. Depending on where my passion falls, it ebbs and flows. I try to challenge my style and enjoy bending my own rules regularly.
My desire now as I have recently graduated is to look at my collection more critically and assess which designs can become printed on T-Shirts, scarves, as prints and create a variety of other products that people can enjoy for a lifetime.
Patreon offers me a platform where I can share my creative process, create videos of paintings in progress, share my freelance projects and opportunities to show my supporters where I am at on my artist journey. It is a huge blessing as I have taken on 2 new freelance projects. It is very exciting. I am working on a painting and an illustrative poster. I will be sharing the process soon! Stay tuned!
If you are interested in becoming a patron of my process, there are several tiers on my site that can offer several perks! I am deeply grateful for your support. The kind of support it provides is funding my art supplies, canvases, paint, brushes, internet, printing costs and opportunities for me to continue to share my work at art events.
Your support is deeply appreciated! Thank you!
Sophie Navarro